Thursday, February 17, 2011

Giving a "coke" to a stranger

So this past week my professor challenged the class to "buy a coke" for a stranger and then blog about it. Here's the problems with this picture, #1 I hardly ever buy anything for myself, which brought about problem #2 I might have completely forgotten about it and not done it, oops. And #3 I was supposed to blog about it next week.  I have however given a "coke" to a stranger before so instead of making something up I will just retell this story.

So one day I decide to help my friend, Cami, with a booth that she has in the middle of Brigham Square.  At this booth we are giving away brownies to people that come talk to us.  As we start closing down we still have some brownies left. Cami, gets this brilliant idea that I should give it to some cute boy. Then as her mind keeps going she decides I should put my phone number on the napkin underneath the last two brownies.  I just laughed at her ridiculousness. She proceeds to further entice me by promising to buy me lunch if I do it.

Now I am a poor starving college student, If you know anything about those you know they will do almost anything for a free meal. So I agreed to her challenge.  We proceeded to wander around the BYU campus for what I would call my victim.  After wandering for a long time, I might have just gotten sick of it so I just ran up to some random boy and handed him this napkin with two brownies and one phone number on it. 
So just like that mission accomplished. I got a free lunch and gave a "coke" to a random stranger even if it was a few months early.  I think that I will try it again and maybe even stick around for the reaction.

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