Thursday, April 21, 2011
Finals Week
It is always funny to see how fast the time goes by. It seems not that long ago that it was January and I was starting the new semester. At the same time it seems so far away, I have learned so much a changed a whole lot that a point in time can seem so close and yet so far away at the same time. Finals week is always crazy like that for a lot of people, including myself; it is the closing of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. You never know what exactly going to happen and at the same time you are way to busy too even worry about it or think about it. I sure hope that this next small step in my life is at least as good as the last one. At least I know that change will always be the only constant in my life and future.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Stress level
As the semester is coming to a close I was encouraged to help someone out that seemed to be a little more stressed than I was. After receiving this assignment I was a bit worried as to how I would help someone out. I knew that there were plenty of stressed kids running around the library but I just exactly know what to do.
The answer came to me when I realized I had a friend that needed help in a class that we were both in and his stress level was probably above my own. He also has contracted laryngitis somehow and is now unable to even talk. Not being able to talk would definitely amp up my stress level.
After helping him out with our class assignment I gave him three free frosty's from Wendy's coupons. I figured that he probably needed them more than me. And that is how I helped someone out during stress week.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Egg+Water Balloon launcher
My friend has a water balloon launcher that his mother gave him as an I hope you have fun at college parting gift. Best gift ever? probably. More importantly is what we did with it. Which was launch eggs off in it. Not those fake plastic colored easter eggs. Legit egg and yolk easter eggs. Are we crazy? probably but it is worth it.
First off we had to compete to see who could get theirs to not crack, using only straws tape and paper. I felt like I was on zoom. After deciding that our eggs we secure enough we dropped them off the second story balcony. They didn't appear to break. That was when the launcher came out.
After they didn't crack from launching them down the street it was time to launch them directly to the wall. This time they did crack and not only crack they exploded everywhere, which made it all the better. Lesson: bored? get a water balloon launcher... the possibilities are endless.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Free Food.
I don't know if there is anything that college kids love more than something that is free. If you don't believe just watch what happens when free shirts are being given out people swarm like crazy. The second thing that college kids love is food, something that we never think that we get enough of. Put those two together and college kids go nuts! Seriously I have seen lines longer than the ones at lagoon with people just waiting for their free hamburger. It is a pretty crazy occurrence.
What does this have to do with anything. Well it turns out that every once in a while I get pretty good at the whole free food thing. I am not talking about just a piece of candy in some professors office more like those hamburgers that people wait forever for. One time I went nine days straight of getting free food, I thought that was pretty incredible.
This week I am going on day six of free food, and hopefully I can break my last record and get ten. How do I accomplish this you might ask, all you have to do is know the right people and be at the right place at the right time. Simple right?
What does this have to do with anything. Well it turns out that every once in a while I get pretty good at the whole free food thing. I am not talking about just a piece of candy in some professors office more like those hamburgers that people wait forever for. One time I went nine days straight of getting free food, I thought that was pretty incredible.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
I do it for the stories
Sometimes I do random and somewhat stupid things in my life, since I don't drink I can't blame being drunk on my dumb actions but I figure I can always justify it by saying that it makes a good story. Such an occurrence happened about a week ago.
Two of my friends (girls) and I were driving home Saturday night at about 11:30 while driving on state street I look to my left and see a white car with two boys. I decide to just give them a nice head nod, well turns out that my head nod is quite magically. We start following each other in our cars and talking to each other through the window. Then some way or another it escalated into them coming over to our apartment and possibly getting my number?.... I would say that makes quite a good story just coming from a simple head nod. Also don't worry both boys were attractive and tall! Which makes the use of my head nod completely worth while.
While yes this could have been a horrible horrible mistake and was probably a dumb idea, doesn't matter because I did it for the story right?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Hot dogs should be there when I need them
There are some people that I just should not go out in public with; it’s not for our sake really but for everyone else around us. One of these people I cannot go out with is Erica Keck my former roommate and good friend.
On Thursday we Erica and I decided we should meet up and go to J-dawgs. Upon arrival we were both devastated to find our favorite hot dog place had ran out of hot dogs! After a very emotional letdown we decided Brick Oven was a good alternative.
However this may not have been a wise decision. As I proceeded to knock down an entire glass of water thoroughly embarrassing myself in the process. Then I also came up with the great idea of pretending it was our birthday so we could free ice cream. As Erica was discussing how we could slyly hint this at the waiter, the waiter walked by to check on us. Both of us started laughing so hard, the poor waiter was extremely confused.
After a few other embarrassing events we finally left. We remember now why we should have gone to J-dawgs in the first place and not been allowed to actually go out in public. So if you ever see me with Erica you should run far and fast.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
University excused spring break
Probably the best idea I have had this year has been to add the careers in recreation class. I have had more fun in this class than any other classes I have taken, and I have taken some pretty fun classes. Of course is it possible to not love a class in which you go to California during the middle of February and get university credit for it. On top of that be able to have the opportunity to tour some sweet recreational facilities from St George to Los Angeles.
Some of my personal highlights was talking to imagineers from Disney (we may have spent the whole day in Disneyland also), touring the Angels stadium (including going to the dugout and their locker room), getting a free Trans-Siberian Orchestra t-shirt, going to the strip in Vegas, and just being able to see all the many career choices I have before me.
Best final ever? Without a doubt.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Giving a "coke" to a stranger
So this past week my professor challenged the class to "buy a coke" for a stranger and then blog about it. Here's the problems with this picture, #1 I hardly ever buy anything for myself, which brought about problem #2 I might have completely forgotten about it and not done it, oops. And #3 I was supposed to blog about it next week. I have however given a "coke" to a stranger before so instead of making something up I will just retell this story.
So one day I decide to help my friend, Cami, with a booth that she has in the middle of Brigham Square. At this booth we are giving away brownies to people that come talk to us. As we start closing down we still have some brownies left. Cami, gets this brilliant idea that I should give it to some cute boy. Then as her mind keeps going she decides I should put my phone number on the napkin underneath the last two brownies. I just laughed at her ridiculousness. She proceeds to further entice me by promising to buy me lunch if I do it.
Now I am a poor starving college student, If you know anything about those you know they will do almost anything for a free meal. So I agreed to her challenge. We proceeded to wander around the BYU campus for what I would call my victim. After wandering for a long time, I might have just gotten sick of it so I just ran up to some random boy and handed him this napkin with two brownies and one phone number on it.
So just like that mission accomplished. I got a free lunch and gave a "coke" to a random stranger even if it was a few months early. I think that I will try it again and maybe even stick around for the reaction.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
My only claim to fame thus far
It was just an average day working at the ticket office when destiny arrived, in the form of two college boys. They approached my window and asked if I would be in a movie for them. They were filming it to give to some girl so I figured why not, might as well help out my fellow man.
I have heard rumors that it even got onto ESPN? Sweet.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
You're it
I may have found my new love.... Laser Tag I have learned from last month that there are two types of laser tag: Laser tag and Laser TAG. Now the first was in your normal run around a room painted black with wooden walls shooting at each other’s vests, while music is playing over the speakers. Fun? Yes... could it be better? apparently... Now laser TAG stands for Tactical Action Games. Basically in this game we went outside, yes outside in January, in the Provo canyon (at Timpanogos park to be exact), to play a glorious mixture of laser tag and the best night games you have ever experienced. Each game we played the games got more exciting and intense than the next. By the final game we had bases to protect, bases to rebuild, bases to destroy (the other teams bases), enemies to shoot, our own butt to save, other peoples butt to rescue and we were also trying to capture the enemies’ flag while of course protecting our own. I would have to say along with the fun I learned some valuable skills, especially if zombies attack.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Do I look bilingual?
At the beginning of this semester I decided to join Provo Youth Mentoring. This is basically where I go into an elementary school and help out one of the kids for an hour every week. First day, my girl comes to the office and I make sure that she has homework from her teacher that she can do. As I glimpse at it I notice that it is math, which good because I am good at math. As I try to read the instructions I realize they are in Spanish...crap(I don’t actually speak Spanish at all)... Not a problem the little girl looks Mexican maybe she can read Spanish, she can't, which is awesome. I tell myself, not a big deal right; I am sure I can figure out these questions, just color in a certain amount of apples and we should be golden. This strategy worked well except for the fact that the last question was a story problem... So I may have guessed as to what it was asking basically helping her make up an answer oops. Needless to say the next day when the little girl came with her math homework there wasn't a single word, English or Spanish, on it. I don't think this reflects my reading or writing skills at all right?
Friday, January 21, 2011
Let's say...
One of the best things about being a child is that you can play make-believe and become anyone and do anything that you want. Apparently I have yet to let go of this part of my childhood. This fact became very apparent to me this weekend as I exhibited ninja like actions.
Now according to I underwent several impertinent steps to become a ninja.
On Friday unbeknownst to me I successfully completed # 7 which is “learn to control people and manipulate events not by force but by words and actions.” I did this by getting invited to a very exclusive birthday party of which I didn’t know the birthday girl that well. Party breached successfully.
Saturday my combat skill were increase thereby completing #3 on the list “learn how to move stealthily.” I do believe that playing four games of laser tag and dancing in a crowded room both fulfill the practicing of moving stealthily. If you don’t believe me, you probably have never played laser tag against me.
On Sunday I went probably one of the most vital aspects of a ninja, which is none other than step #1 “Decide upon a series of ideas morals and philosophies that you can truly live by.” I accomplished this by attending church which gives the best ideas morals and philosophies any ninja can use.

Conclusion: Life is definitely enhanced when you are a ninja.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Storm drain monster
![]() |
My treasured Giga Pet (replica) |
This is a story about a younger me, an elementary aged me. Let's just say that this was back in the nano babies, giga pet, tamagotchi era. In fact I was one of those kids that indeed had a nano baby and a giga pet. I would say that these were probably my favorite toys, I would often walk home from school playing with my nano baby or giga pet.
On one such occasion I was walking home when disaster struck. My wonderful kitty giga pet had slipped from my careful hands and fell into the storm drain. Just like that my small simple life had shattered (I really did love this giga pet). My little arms just out of reach of my beloved giga pet below. Was I scarred for life? Yes, yes I was. Now if you don't really believe I was scarred for life, watch closely whenever I walk past a storm drain with my cell phone in my hand. You will see a certain uneasiness come over me and I will clutch onto my phone more than usual. Afraid of the storm drain monster claiming another one of my treasures.
Friday, January 7, 2011
It Starts...
A few days ago a got a text from my friend which included his top 10 talents (Don't worry this isn't an ordinary happening in my life) Me, being the competitive person I am, naturally had to respond with my top 11 talents. With that in mind I figure that the best first post by me would be obviously my top 11 talents as explained to my friend Travis in the hopes of outdoing him.
1. I can draw trees superbly
2. I can eat a whole Cafe Rio Salad and still be starving
3. I am pro to facebook stalking (I attribute the culmination of this talent to some roommates I have had.)
4. I can touch my nose with my tongue easy
5. I can melt boys hearts with a single look
6. I can write upside down
7. I can multiply anything by 1 or 0 in my head
8. I can play the piano upside down
9. I am very accepting of others
10. I can cut onions without crying
11. I can see shapes and figures in clouds
Impressed? You should be.
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