Free Food.
I don't know if there is anything that college kids love more than something that is free. If you don't believe just watch what happens when free shirts are being given out people swarm like crazy. The second thing that college kids love is food, something that we never think that we get enough of. Put those two together and college kids go nuts! Seriously I have seen lines longer than the ones at lagoon with people just waiting for their free hamburger. It is a pretty crazy occurrence.
What does this have to do with anything. Well it turns out that every once in a while I get pretty good at the whole free food thing. I am not talking about just a piece of candy in some professors office more like those hamburgers that people wait forever for. One time I went nine days straight of getting free food, I thought that was pretty incredible.
This week I am going on day six of free food, and hopefully I can break my last record and get ten. How do I accomplish this you might ask, all you have to do is know the right people and be at the right place at the right time. Simple right?
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