Thursday, April 21, 2011

Finals Week

It is always funny to see how fast the time goes by.  It seems not that long ago that it was January and I was starting the new semester. At the same time it seems so far away, I have learned so much a changed a whole lot that a point in time can seem so close and yet so  far away at the same time. Finals week is always crazy like that for a lot of people, including myself; it is the closing of one chapter and the beginning of a new one.  You never know what exactly going to happen and at the same time you are way to busy too even worry about it or think about it. I sure hope that this next small step in my life is at least as good as the last one. At least I know that change will always be the only constant in my life and future.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stress level

As the semester is coming to a close I was encouraged to help someone out that seemed to be a little more stressed than I was.  After receiving this assignment I was a bit worried as to how I would help someone out.  I knew that there were plenty of stressed kids running around the library but I just exactly know what to do.

The answer came to me when I realized I had a friend that needed help in a class that we were both in and his stress level was probably above my own.  He also has contracted laryngitis somehow and is now unable to even talk.  Not being able to talk would definitely amp up my stress level.  

After helping him out with our class assignment I gave him three free frosty's from Wendy's coupons.  I figured that he probably needed them more than me.  And that is how I helped someone out during stress week.