Sunday, March 13, 2011

I do it for the stories

Sometimes I do random and somewhat stupid things in my life, since I don't drink I can't blame being drunk on my dumb actions but I figure I can always justify it by saying that it makes a good story.  Such an occurrence happened about a week ago.
Two of my friends (girls) and I were driving home Saturday night at about 11:30 while driving on state street I look to my left and see a white car with two boys.  I decide to just give them a nice head nod,  well turns out that    my head nod is quite magically.  We start following each other in our cars and talking to each other through the window. Then some way or another it escalated into them coming over to our apartment and possibly getting my number?.... I would say that makes quite a good story just coming from a simple head nod.  Also don't worry both boys were attractive and tall! Which makes the use of my head nod completely worth while.  
While yes this could have been a horrible horrible mistake and was probably a dumb idea, doesn't matter because I did it for the story right?

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